A beautiful moment when clarity and peace collide. I love to see it. Cheers to you and your growing family!

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Firstly I want to say, congratulations on your new upcoming project that's under construction inside of your body. I'm so happy for you and your husband. Your family is rapidly expanding. Who knew? And it's OK not to be okay sometimes. Give yourself permission to not feel well or just take a nap. What's going on inside of you now is the most important project that you can complete and present to the world. Nothing else will matter when you're actually that 80 year old woman for real. Those 2 people who you have been blessed with and your husband will be the only people who matter and not your work projects or meetings or articles. It's those people and your extended family members. And the few rare friends that you've made. If you're fortunate? True friends are priceless and extremely valuable. Live your BEST LIFE NOW because these are your good Ole day's. Thank you for your transparency and my prayer for you is may your labor be quick and your delivery easy-going. Please keep me posted? Love you Girl.

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I’m happy to read you’re taking care of you and baby 😀

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Clarity is always a north star.

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